Economic Recovery
If elected I will assemble a qualified team including a city manager/administrator and economic developer who will work directly with the business community to develop a comprehensive revitalization plan for rebuilding Alton’s economy through public and private partnerships.
This will include creating a climate that is attractive to investors and businesses for development along Broadway, the riverfront, downtown and Homer Adams Parkway.
I will seek to collaborate with state and federal legislators for funding for infrastructure and jobs.
I will make it a priority to develop a professional and respectful working relationship with the local labor organizations. My administration will work diligently to recruit and employ a qualified city workforce and provide job security and fair working conditions. I will not support any further outsourcing and privatization of jobs, instead, I will work collaboratively with the labor and trades leadership to find solutions for supporting Alton workers and their families with fair wages and benefits.
Reversing the Trend of Population Decline
Alton is close to falling below the 25, 000 population for home rule status and if it drops below 25,000 the city could lose its home rule status and constitutional authority to self-govern in matters such as sales tax and solving local issues.
The priority must be to retain and attract new residents’ especially young people and to keep our young people from leaving our community after graduation from high school and increase their desire to want to work, live and play in our community.
I will hire an economic developer who will advance a plan to develop a city initiative to support and develop small businesses including startups and ownership opportunities as well as affordable nice homeownership so that people who work in our community will want to live and raise a family here in the community.
I also believe our public schools are the cornerstone for Alton families as well as economic growth which in turn can help increase population. I will encourage partnerships between the city and school leaders ensuring our education system is highly regarded and will attract families into our community and possibly educators as well.
The economic recovery plan that I am going to share next can also be a boon to population growth as well.